Pesticide-based repellents and lawn treatments are becoming things of the past, as safer alternative products begin to launch.
These new ways are every bit as effective as their chemical cousins, but without the negative side effects.
Have you ever wondered how chemical pesticides affect our lives?
They may do more damage than you think, with several potentially harmful effects on the environment, our health and even inside our home.
Chemical pesticides are known to pollute the environment.
While their intended effects are often short-lived, studies have shown that chemical pesticides linger in the atmosphere, the ground and in our waterways long after the job is over.
Chemicals have been used on fields across the world for almost 100 years, creating a huge pollution in our environment, which continues to grow with every application.
Pesticides have been linked to a myriad of diseases.
The Pesticides Literature Review, which is based on studies conducted by a multi-university research team in Toronto, concludes:
"people should reduce their exposure to pesticides because of links to serious illnesses. Results of this study found consistent evidence of serious health risks such as cancer, nervous system diseases and reproductive problems in people exposed to pesticides…through home and garden exposure."
EU government is calling and going to control the chemical and poison items for pest control in few years.
UK government had already backed a bill banning the use of rodent glue traps.
The EPA from US government is controlling all pesticide products/devices using or selling in USA.
So that more and more people prefer to choose physical and organic products for pest control.
At present, organic pest control products are mostly used for Agricultural.
There are organizations like the Organic Material Review Institute (OMRI) have been taking strides in recent years to develop standards for these alternative products, which is wildly using now.
And for personal home and garden use, the electronical pest control products is much more popular, which are using physical ways like ultrasonic, sonic, electronic shock, spray water, flashing, vibration, etc. to scare or creat unsafety environment to drive pests/wild animals away.
This trend of using physical and organic way to finish pest control work is unstoppable now.
Aosion is providing all kinds of pest control products for personal home, garden, yard use.
Follow us is following the trend, we are going to build-up a totally TOXIC-FREE and PEST-FREE living area for everyone!